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SoCalHoops Recruiting News

Fullcourt Press All-West Camp:
Top 24 Game Participants--(July 14, 2003)

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What:   Fullcourt Press All-West Camp
When:   July 12-14, 2003
Where:   Brethren Christian Warrior Center
Who:   200+ high school-aged college prospects
NCAA Certified Event
Division I Coaches Permitted to Attend

The final and most talent-laden game of the three all-star games played tonight at the Fullcourt Press camp was called the "Top 24 Game,"   and we have no doubt that this game featured the top 24 players.  We didn't get to see all of the sessions at the camp, and we heard a few people remark that a couple of the guys selected for this game only played a few games at the camp itself, but the reality for more than a few of the players named to this game is that in the past two or three weeks, they've flown more miles than many people do in a lifetime, playing at camps located in Colorado (USA Development Festival), Richmond, VA (NBA Players Association Camp), Indianapolis (Nike Camp), or Teaneck, NJ (ABCD), and with all that travel, it's no unusual for the bigger-name players, the ones doing all this travel to want to catch a little sleep when they finally return home;  and that just happened to coincide with the first two days of the camp.

In any event, this was a very talented group of players, and from what we saw, it was an entertaining game.  There's no one in this group of players that we hadn't already seen more than a few times, but it was impressive to see how well Gabe Pruitt and Arron Afflalo played together after all that's transpired over the past year.  Marcel Jones and Jared Dudley also looked impressive, as did Josh Shipp and Jamal Boykin.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the entire game (family commitment) and we left at halftime.  Still we got to see 20 full minutes of some great action. 

Unlike the rest of the games, where the rosters were splt basically just before game time and seemingly at random, this game had two teams that were pre-selected and divided into two teams, a Blue Team and a White Team.  Here is the full list of participants for the Top 24 Game at Fullcourt Press' All-West Camp:

"Blue" Team

Bobby Brown  6'-0" Sr. MCI (Maine)
Matt Thomas 6'-4 Sr. Riverside King
Christian Polk 6'-3" So. Deer Valley (AZ)
Curtis Allen 6'-4" Sr. Rolling Hills Prep
Brian Harvey 6'-5" Jr. Carson
Marcel Jones 6'-6" Sr. Mater Dei
Chris Berry 6'-6 Sr. Compton Centennial
Dorrell Wright 6'-7" Sr. Prep School
Lawrence Hill 6'-8" Sr. Deer Valley (AZ)
Eugene Crockett 6'-9" Jr. Sacramento Charter
Chris Henry 6'-9" Sr. Mater Dei

"White" Team

Gabriel Pruitt 6'-3" Sr. Westchester
Daren Jordan 6-0" Jr. Trevor Browne (AZ)
Matt Sargeant 6'-3" Sr. Ocean View
Schuyler McKay 6'-4" Sr. Price
Josh Shipp 6'-4" Sr. Fairfax
Arron Afflalo 6'-5" Sr. Compton Centennial
Lamar Roberson 6'-7" Sr. Dominguez
Jerry Davon Jefferson 6'-7" Jr. Lynwood
Rashad Austin 6'-7" Sr. Dominguez
Jaml Boykin 6'-7" Jr. Fairfax
DeMarcus Young 6'-7" Sr. Lynwood
Ephraim Williams 6'-9"  Sr. Arroyo Valley

One note:  Brandon Hinchee (6'-8" Sr. ) from Albany was also selected, but was replaced by DeMarcus Young.   Again, we want to extend our congratulations to those selected to play in the game.  Good luck in your recruiting, and with the rest of the summer.....See you around the gym sometime.

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