1998-99 City Section Southeastern Conference Girls' Schedules
Conference/League:  Bell, Fremont, Garfield, Huntington Park, Jefferson, Jordan, Locke, Roosevelt, South Gate

Starting times for all Games:    Afternoon-- JV 2:30 pm; Varsity 4:00 pm; Evening--JV 5:30 pm; Varsity 7:00 pm

Varsity games will begin 15 minutes following conclusion of JV unless otherwise noted.

SoCalHoops Disclaimer: Important!!! Read This First

We rely upon the local schools and the CIF City Section to provide us with an accurate schedule. The scheduling information below comes directly from the CIF City Section. If it's inaccurate, or games have been changed, blame them, not us. Seriously, this is the official schedule developed during the pre-season by the City Section for Varsity. Games may have been subsequently rescheduled due to conflicts, tournaments, etc. If you are planning on attending one of the games, we suggest you contact the school(s) ahead of time to confirm that the game will be played. We apologize if this causes any inconvenience, but we here at SoCalHoops just do not have the resources to check every single game beforehand. Be sure to also check our composite schedule, because we will only post corrections there.

Conference/League Games
Wednesday, December 2
Jordan @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Jefferson  BYE
Friday, December 4
Fremont  BYE  
Monday, December 7
Bell @ Locke  2:30/4:00
Wednesday, December 9
Bell @ Roosevelt  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Huntington Park @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Garfield @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Jordan  BYE
Friday, December 11
Fremont @ Garfield  2:30/4:00
Jefferson @ Huntington Park  2:30/4:00 
Bell  BYE
Monday, December 14
Huntington Park @ Bell  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Roosevelt @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Locke @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Tuesday, December 15
Locke @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Wednesday, December 16
Jordan @ Bell  2:30/4:00
Thursday, December 17
Jefferson @ Locke  2:30/4:00
Monday, December 21
Garfield @ Roosevelt  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Tuesday, January 5
South Gate @ Garfield  2:30/4:00
Wednesday, January 6
South Gate @ Bell  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Locke  BYE
Friday, January 8
Fremont @ Roosevelt  2:30/4:00
Jefferson @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Garfield  BYE
Tuesday, January 12
Garfield @ Locke  2:30/4:00
Jefferson @ Bell  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt @ Jordan 2:30/4:00
South Gate @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park  BYE
Wednesday, January 13
Locke @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Thursday, January 14
Fremont @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Garfield @ Bell  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Jordan @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Locke @ Huntington Park  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt  BYE
Friday, January 15
Roosevelt @ Huntington Park  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Tuesday, January 19
Jordan @ Huntington Park  2:30/4:00
Wednesday, January 20
Bell @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park @ Garfield  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Jefferson @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Locke @ Roosevelt  2:30/4:00
South Gate  BYE  
Friday, January 22
Fremont @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Bell @ Huntington Park  2:15/3:30/5:00*
South Gate @ Locke  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt @ Garfield  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Jefferson  BYE  
Monday, January 25
Huntington Park @ Roosevelt  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Locke @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Bell @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Garfield @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Fremont  BYE  
Wednesday, January 27
Roosevelt @ Bell  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Fremont @ Locke  2:30/4:00
South Gate @ Huntington Park  2:30/4:00
Jefferson @ Garfield  2:30/4:00
Jordan  BYE  
Friday, January 29
Garfield @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Jordan @ Locke  2:30/4:00
South Gate @ Roosevelt  2:30/4:00
Bell  BYE  
Monday, February 1
Bell @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Fremont @ Huntington Park  2:30/4:00
Garfield @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Jefferson @ Roosevelt  2:30/4:00
Locke  BYE
Wednesday, February 3
Locke @ Bell  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
South Gate @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Garfield  BYE  
Friday, February 5
Locke @ Garfield  2:30/4:00
Bell @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Jordan @ Roosevelt  2:30/4:00
Fremont @ South Gate  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park  BYE
Tuesday, February 9
Jefferson @ Fremont  2:30/4:00
Bell @ Garfield  2:15/3:30/5:00*
South Gate @ Jordan  2:30/4:00
Huntington Park @ Locke  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt  BYE
Wednesday, February 10
Jordan @ Garfield (TBA)
Thursday, February 11
Fremont @ Bell  2:30/4:00
Garfield @ Huntington Park  2:15/3:30/5:00*
Jordan @ Jefferson  2:30/4:00
Roosevelt @ Locke  2:30/4:00
South Gate  BYE
*Frosh/Soph game played

The Swish Award
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Contact: jegesq@SoCalHoops.com