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SoCalHoops Showcase News

Nike Extravaganza V:
Third Morning Game Recap--(Feb. 5, 2000)

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Feb. 5, 2000
The Pyramid

What: Nike Extravaganza V
When: Saturday, February 5, 2000
Where: Long Beach State--The Pyramid
Time: Two Sessions
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. --Morning/Afternoon Session
4:30 p.m. -- 10:30 p.m. (approx end time)--Evening Session
Who: 16 of the top teams in the country including: No. 1 Oak Hill v. No. 2 Dominguez
No. 8 Mater Dei v. Concord De La Salle
and 6 other top matchups throughout the day

Ok, the fourth and final game of the morning session:

Game 4: Mayfair 65, Fontana 40:

childress.jpg (5449 bytes)joshmoves.jpg (6560 bytes)Mayfair: 52% shooting;  Fontana 24%.  That one stat just about says it all.  Another blowout, and it wasn't pretty, unless of course you were focusing on Josh Childress' outside shot or Edwin Draughn popping them in from two and three point range.  Childress scored 24 points, hitting 3 for 5 from three point range, while Draughn scored 20 on 2 for 4 from three.   Jeff Bonds had 7, Chris Pittman had 5 and James Washington had 5, while Dereck Mollette scored 2 as did Lewie Helton.   For Fontana, there were a couple of bright spots, but no many.   Mike Stephenson scored 12 points and pushed the ball hard on offense, on 4 for 12 shooting from the field, 4 for 10 from three and dishingout two assists.  Jordan Walker didn't score a lot, but he looked athletic and strong on the boards, scoring 4 points.  eddieshoots.jpg (7410 bytes)The Fab 3 Freshmen,  Wesley Washington, Travante Nelson and Trayvon Williams looked .. . well, they looked like freshmen.  Travonte looks like he'll be the eventual successor to Stephenson at the point, but for now, he needs to improve his decisionmaking on his shot selection.  eddieshoots.jpg (7410 bytes)Childress had 1 block and Draughn had 2, and they were all on ill-advised shots in the paint by Travonte. . . Young and talented, but he's still learning.  Very talented, and he did have his vision somewhat impaired by the facemask he was wearing evidently due to some broken bones. . .  Washington had only three points and Williams had 4.  Corey McJimson was the second leading scorer for Fontana with 7 (3 for 7 from the field).

stephenson.jpg (5261 bytes)We'll keep this short and nasty, because we've got some photos to process (they're not posted here) from this game and only minutes between now and the start of the afternoon/evening session with the Fairfax v. Durango (Las Vegas) game coming up. 

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Fontana 13 13 3 11 --40
Mayfair 18 21 11 15 --65

 The Swish Award
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