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SoCalHoops High School News

Costa Mesa HS Coach's Position:
A Correction & Apology--(Mar. 28, 2000)

One of the Daily Articles we posted yesterday concerned openings for coaching positions.  One such listing we posted concerned Costa Mesa High School looking for a new boys varsity coach.  Evidently that listing, which we got from the LA Times Orange County Edition, was incorrect.  There is no open coaching position for a boys' coach at Costa Mesa.   We apologize to Coach Bob Serven and to the students at Costa Mesa for any confusion this may have caused.  

This morning we received an e-mail from the interim athletic director at Costa Mesa, Kristin Dye.  Here's what she said: 

"My name is Kristin Dye and I am the Interim Athletic Secretary at Costa Mesa High School. On Monday March 27th I received 3 different calls asking about a Head Coaching position. There is no position, Bob Serven is still the Head Coach, and will continue to be the Head Coach as long as there is a need. He has done a wonderful job, as noted by the parents, coaches and administration here at Costa Mesa.  Please write me and let me know where you learned of this opening, so that I can write and ask them to correct their erroneous information. If it is possible could you please write a  retraction or remove this paragraph from your website. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Kristin Dye
Athletic Secretary

The listing at the LA Times, not only had such an opening for a boys' varsity basketball coach listed once . . . it was shown twice (see highlighted below).  Here's the exact text of the article at the LA Times website:


Edison High seeks boys' and girls' varsity coaches. Contact Bruce Belcher, (714) 962-1356, Ext. 303. ..TE: Costa Mesa High seeks boys' varsity coach. Contact Kirk Bauermeister, (714) 424-8708.

Huntington Beach High seeks girls' varsity coach. Call (714) 536-2514. ..TE: Costa Mesa High seeks boys' varsity coach. Contact Kirk Bauermeister, (714) 424-8708.

Obviously, we don't mind taking the rap for an error when it's ours, but when it's not. . . . well, this just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers. . . .The Times is a great paper with great writers, but even they sometimes get it wrong.

Again, our apologies to Coach Serven and to the Costa Mesa community. 

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