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SoCalHoops High School News

LA Times: Montclair Prep
Coach Howard Resigns--(Apr. 5,  2000)

Howard Abrams, who has been one of two co-coaches at Montclair Prep for the past twenty or so years, has once again resigned, according to a small report in today's Valley Edition of the LA Times.  The information was contained in a single paragraph in the "Digest" portion of the Valley sports pages, at page D14 under the heading "Basketball":

"Montclair Prep co-coach Howard Abrams has resigned.   The school has not made a decision if co-coach Greg Patterson will coach the team by himself."

This is the second time in two years that Abrams has resigned.  Two years ago, the school announced that Abrams had resigned, replacing him and Patterson (who had elected to take the year off to spend more time with his family) with former Montclair Prep girls' coach Bobby Webb.  However, after a fairly tumultuous 1998-99 season, Webb was replaced by Abrams and Patterson, who coached the team this past 1999-2000 season.

The Times report did not offer any other details concerning Abrams' resignation, nor what other role, if any, he will continue to play in the school's athletic programs. 

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