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SoCalHoops Tournament & Recruiting News

adidas Las Vegas Big Time 2000:
Master Pool Play Schedule--(July 2, 2000)

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Pools Play Schedules By Location
adidas Las Vegas
Big Time Tournament 2000

(312 teams--78 Pools)

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Saturday, July 15 Pool Play Schedules

Team List (Alphabetical)

Sunday July 16 Pool Play Schedules

Team List (By Pools)


Individual Team Schedules (Pool Play Only)

Gym Locations & Driving Directions

Pool Standings

Coaches Info Tournament Info

Tournament News
Team Rosters & Player Notes Game & Player Photos

Yes, we're a little ahead of ourselves this year, but that's because this tournament is just going to be so huge that there's no way we can expect to get a handle on all of it without getting a jump on it now, even before the camps next week and the week after which will precede the tournament.

There will be 312 teams playing at the 2000 adidas Las Vegas Big Time Tournament, in 78 Pools. Each team will play three games in pool play, which will extend from Saturday the 15th, through Sunday night.  Bracket play will begin on Monday morning and will continue through until Wednesday, when the Championship games will take place on the afternoon of July 19.  In addition to the 120 team "open bracket", which will consist of all 56 teams in pools A through N, and the next 64 top first place teams in the remaining pools,  there will also be three other Divisions:  The A Division will consist of all the second place finishers in pool play from the 64 brackets other than those designated as "open".   The B Division will have 64 third place teams, and the C Division  will have 64 fourth place teams.

In order for the schedule below to make any sense at all, you'll need to consult one of the following:  the Team List (alphabetically), or the Team List (By Pools).  Once you find a team's identifying number, check the schedule below for the time and locaiton of the games.  

adidas Big Time Pool Play Schedule
Saturday, July 15th, 2000

7/15 Green Valley Main Green Valley Auxiliary Durango Main Durango Auxiliary
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G001 A1 - A2 G002 B1 - B2 G003 C1 - C2 G004 D1 - D2
10:20AM G024 A3 - A4 G025 B3 - B4 G026 C3 - C4 G027 D3 - D4
11:40AM G047 E1 - E2 G048 F1 - F2 G049 G1 - G2 G050 H1 - H2
1:00PM G070 E3 - E4 G071 F3 - F4 G072 G3 - G4 G073 H3 - H4
2:20PM G093 J1 - J2 G094 K1 - K2 G095 L1 - L2 G096 M1 - M2
3:40PM G116 J3 - J4 G117 K3 - K4 G118 L3 - L4 G119 M3 - M4
5:00PM G139 N1 - N2 G140 N3 - N4 G141 O1 - O2 G142 O3 - O4
6:20PM G162 D1 - D3 G163 A1 - A3 G164 B1 - B3 G165 C1 - C3
7:40PM G185 D2 - D4 G186 A2 - A4 G187 B2 - B4 G188 C2 - C4
9:00PM G208 H1 - H3 G209 E1 - E3 G210 F1 - F3 G211 G1 - G3
10:20PM G231 H2 - H4 G232 E2 - E4 G233 F2 - F4 G234 G2 - G4
7/15 Silverado Main Silverado Auxiliary Foothill Main Foothill Auxiliayr
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G005 P1 - P2 G006 Q1 - Q2 G007 W1 - W2 G008 X1 - X2
10:20AM G028 P3 - P4 G029 Q3 - Q4 G030 W3 - W4 G031 X3 - X4
11:40AM G051 R1 - R2 G052 S1 - S2 G053 Y1 - Y2 G054 Z1 - Z2
1:00PM G074 R3 - R4 G075 S3 - S4 G076 Y3 - Y4 G077 Z3 - Z4
2:20PM G097 T1 - T2 G098 U1 - U2 G099 AA1 - AA2 G100 BB1 - BB2
3:40PM G120 T3 - T4 G121 U3 - U4 G122 AA3 - AA4 G123 BB3 - BB4
5:00PM G143 V1 - V2 G144 V3 - V4 G145 CC1 - CC2 G146 CC3 - CC4
6:20PM G166 Q1 - Q3 G167 P1 - P3 G168 X1 - X3 G169 W1 - W3
7:40PM G189 Q2 - Q4 G190 P2 - P4 G191 X2 - X4 G192 W2 - W4
9:00PM G212 S1 - S3 G213 R1 - R3 G214 Z1 - Z3 G215 Y1 - Y3
10:20PM G235 S2 - S4 G236 R2 - R4 G237 Z2 - Z4 G238 Y2 - Y4
7/15 Clark Main Clark Auxiliary Valley Main

Valley Auxiliary

Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G009 DD1 - DD2 G010 EE1 - EE2 G011 LL1 - LL2 G012 MM1 - MM2
10:20AM G032 DD3 - DD4 G033 EE3 - EE4 G034 LL3 - LL4 G035 MM3 - MM4
11:40AM G055 FF1 - FF2 G056 GG1 - GG2 G057 NN1 - NN2 G058 OO1 - OO2
1:00PM G078 FF3 - FF4 G079 GG3 - GG4 G080 NN3 - NN4 G081 OO3 - OO4
2:20PM G101 HH1 - HH2 G102 JJ1 - JJ2 G103 PP1 - PP2 G104 QQ1 - QQ2
3:40PM G124 HH3 - HH4 G125 JJ3 - JJ4 G126 PP3 - PP4 G127 QQ3 - QQ4
5:00PM G147 KK1 - KK2 G148 KK3 - KK4 G149 RR1 - RR2 G150 RR3 - RR4
6:20PM G170 EE1 - EE3 G171 DD1 - DD3 G172 MM1 - MM3 G173 LL1 - LL3
7:40PM G193 EE2 - EE4 G194 DD2 - DD4 G195 MM2 - MM4 G196 LL2 - LL4
9:00PM G216 GG1 - GG3 G217 FF1 - FF3 G218 OO1 - OO3 G219 NN1 - NN3
10:20PM G239 GG2 - GG4 G240 FF2 - FF4 G241 OO2 - OO4 G242 NN2 - NN4


Cimarron Main Cimarron Auxiliary Palo Verde Main Palo Verde Auxiliary
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G013 SS1 - SS2 G014 TT1 - TT2


ZZ1 - ZZ2 G016 AAA1 - AAA2
10:20AM G036 SS3 - SS4 G037 TT3 - TT4 G038 ZZ3 - ZZ4 G039 AAA3 - AAA4
11:40AM G059 UU1 - UU2 G060 VV1 - VV2 G061 BBB1 - BBB2 G062 CCC1 - CCC2
1:00PM G082 UU3 - UU4 G083 VV3 - VV4 G084 BBB3 - BBB4 G085 CCC3 - CCC4
2:20PM G105 WW1 - WW2 G106 XX1 - XX2 G107 DDD1 - DDD2 G108 EEE1 - EEE2
3:40PM G128 WW3 - WW4 G129 XX3 - XX4 G130 DDD3 - DDD4 G131 EEE3 - EEE4
5:00PM G151 YY1 - YY2 G152 YY3 - YY4 G153 FFF1 - FFF2 G154 FFF3 - FFF4
6:20PM G174 TT1 - TT3 G175 SS1 - SS3 G176 AAA1 - AAA3 G177 ZZ1 - ZZ3
7:40PM G197 TT2 - TT4 G198 SS2 - SS4 G199 AAA2 - AAA4 G200 ZZ2 - ZZ4
9:00PM G220 VV1 - VV3 G221 UU1 - UU3 G222 CCC1 - CCC3 G223 BBB1 - BBB3
10:20PM G243 VV2 - VV4 G244 UU2 - UU4 G245 CCC2 - CCC4 G246 BBB2 - BBB4
7/15 Las Vegas Main Las Vegas Auxiliary Mojave Main Mojave Auxiliary
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G017 GGG1 - GGG2 G018 HHH1 - HHH2 G019 PPP1 - PPP2 G020 QQQ1 - QQQ2
10:20AM G040 GGG3 - GGG4 G041 HHH3 - HHH4 G042 PPP3 - PPP4 G043 QQQ3 - QQQ4
11:40AM G063 JJJ1 - JJJ2 G064 LLL1 - LLL2 G065 RRR1 - RRR2 G066 SSS1 - SSS2
1:00PM G086 JJJ3 - JJJ4 G087 LLL3 - LLL4 G088 RRR3 - RRR4 G089 SSS3 - SSS4
2:20PM G109 MMM1 - MMM2 G110 NNN1 - NNN2 G111 TTT1 - TTT2 G112 UUU1 - UUU2
3:40PM G132 MMM3 - MMM4 G133 NNN3 - NNN4 G134 TTT3 - TTT4 G135 UUU3 - UUU4
5:00PM G155 OOO1 - OOO2 G156 OOO3 - OOO4 G157 QQQ1 - QQQ3 G158 PPP1 - PPP3
6:20PM G178 HHH1 - HHH3 G179 GGG1 - GGG3 G180 QQQ2 - QQQ4 G181 PPP2 - PPP4
7:40PM G201 HHH2 - HHH4 G202 GGG2 - GGG4 G203 SSS1 - SSS3 G204 RRR1 - RRR3
9:00PM G224 LLL1 - LLL3 G225 JJJ1 - JJJ3 G226 SSS2 - SSS4 G227 RRR2 - RRR4
10:20PM G247 LLL2 - LLL4 G248 JJJ2 - JJJ4
7/15 Cheyenne Main Cheyenne Auxiliary

Desert Pines HS

Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G021 VVV1 - VVV2 G022 WWW1 - WWW2 G023 BBBB1 - BBBB2
10:20AM G044 VVV3 - VVV4 G045 WWW3 - WWW4 G046 BBBB3 - BBBB4
11:40AM G067 XXX1 - XXX2 G068 YYY1 - YYY2 G069 CCCC1 - CCCC2
1:00PM G090 XXX3 - XXX4 G091 YYY3 - YYY4 G092 CCCC3 - CCCC4
2:20PM G113 ZZZ1 - ZZZ2 G114 AAAA1 - AAAA2 G115 DDDD1 - DDDD2
3:40PM G136 ZZZ3 - ZZZ4 G137 AAAA3 - AAAA4 G138 DDDD3 - DDDD4
5:00PM G159 WWW1 - WWW3 G160 VVV1 - VVV3 G161 BBBB1 - BBBB3
6:20PM G182 WWW2 - WWW4 G183 VVV2 - VVV4 G184 BBBB2 - BBBB4
7:40PM G205 YYY1 - YYY3 G206 XXX1 - XXX3 G207 CCCC1 - CCCC3
9:00PM G228 YYY2 - YYY4 G229 XXX2 - XXX4 G230



adidas Big Time Pool Play Schedule
July 16th, Sunday

7/16 Green Valley Main Green Valley Auxiliary Durango Main Durango Auxiliary
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G249 M1 - M3 G250 J1 - J3 G251 K1 - K3 G252 L1 - L3
10:20AM G272 M2 - M4 G273 J2 - J4 G274 K2 - K4 G275 L2 - L4
11:40AM G295 O2 - O4 G286 O1 - O3 G297 N2 - N4 G298 N1 - N3
1:00PM G318 C4 - C1 G319 D4 - D1 G320 A4 - A1 G321 B4 - B1
2:20PM G341 C2 - C3 G342 D2 - D3 G343 A2 - A3 G344 B2 - B3
3:40PM G364 G4 - G1 G365 H4 - H1 G366 E4 - E1 G367 F4 - F1
5:00PM G387 G2 - G3 G388 H2 - H3 G389 E2 - E3 G390 F2 - F3
6:20PM G410 L4 - L1 G411 M4 - M1 G412 J4 - J1 G413 K4 - K1
7:40PM G433 L2 - L3 G434 M2 - M3 G435 J2 - J3 G436 K2 - K3
9:00PM G451 N2 - N3 G452 N4 - N1 G453 O2 - O3 G454 O4 - O1
7/16 Silverado Main Silverado Auxiliary Foothill Main Foothill Auxiliayr
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G253 U1 - U3 G254 T1 - T3 G255 BB1 - BB3 G256 AA1 - AA3
10:20AM G276 U2 - U4 G277 T4 - T2 G278 BB2 - BB4 G279 AA2 - AA4
11:40AM G299 V2 - V4 G300 V1 - V3 G301 CC2 - CC4 G302 CC1- CC3
1:00PM G322 P4 - P1 G323 Q4 - Q1 G324 W4 - W1 G325 X4 - X1
2:20PM G345 P2 - P3 G346 Q2 - Q3 G347 W2 - W3 G348 X2 - X3
3:40PM G368 R4 - R1 G369 S4 - S1 G370 Y4 - Y1 G371 Z4 - Z1
5:00PM G391 R2 - R3 G392 S3 - S2 G393 Y2 - Y3 G394 Z3 - Z2
6:20PM G414 T4 - T1 G415 U4 - U1 G416 AA4 - AA3 G417 BB4 - BB1
7:40PM G437 T2 - T3 G438 U2 - U3 G439 AA2 - AA1 G440 BB2 - BB3
9:00PM G455 V2 - V3 G456 V4 - V1 G457 CC2 - CC3 G458 CC4 - CC1
7/16 Clark Main Clark Auxiliary Valley Main

Valley Auxiliary

Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G257 JJ1 - JJ3 G258 HH1 - HH3 G259 QQ1 - Q3 G260 PP1 - PP3
10:20AM G280 JJ2 - JJ4 G281 HH2 - HH4 G283 QQ2 - QQ4 G284 PP2 - PP3
11:40AM G303 KK2 - KK4 G304 KK1 - KK3 G305 RR2 - RR4 G306 RR1 - RR3
1:00PM G326 DD4 - DD1 G327 EE4 - EE1 G328 LL1 - LL4 G329 MM4 - MM1
2:20PM G349 DD2 - DD3 G350 EE2 - EE3 G351 LL2 - LL3 G352 MM2 - MM3
3:40PM G372 FF4 - FF1 G373 GG4 - GG1 G374 NN4 - NN1 G375 OO4 - OO1
5:00PM G395 FF2 - FF3 G396` GG3 - GG2 G397 NN2 - NN3 G398 OO2 - OO3
6:20PM G418 HH4 - HH1 G419 JJ4 - JJ1 G420 PP4 - PP1 G421 QQ4 - QQ1
7:40PM G441 HH2 - HH3 G442 JJ2 - JJ3 G443 PP2 - PP3 G444 QQ2 - QQ3
9:00PM G459 KK2 - KK3 G460 KK4 - KK1 G461 RR2 - RR3 G462 RR4 - RR1


Cimarron Main Cimarron Auxiliary Palo Verde Main Palo Verde Auxiliary
Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G261 XX1 - XX3 G262 WW1 - WW3 G263 EEE1 - EEE3 G264 DDD1 - DDD3
10:20AM G284 XX2 - XX4 G285 WW2 - WW4 G286 EEE2 - EEE4 G287 DDD2 - DDD4
11:40AM G307 YY2 - YY4 G308 YY1 - YY3 G309 FFF2 - FFF4 G310 FFF1 - FFF3
1:00PM G330 SS4 - SS1 G331 TT1 - TT4 G332 ZZ4 - ZZ1 G333 AAA4 - AAA1
2:20PM G353 SS2 - SS3 G354 TT2 - TT3 G355 ZZ2 - ZZ3 G356 AAA2 - AAA3
3:40PM G376 UU4 - UU1 G377 VV4 - VV1 G378 BBB4 - BBB1 G379 CCC4 - CCC1
5:00PM G399 UU2 - UU3 G400 VV2 - VV3 G401 BBB2 - BBB3 G402 CCC2 - CCC2
6:20PM G422 WW4 - WW1 G423 XX4 - XX1 G423 DDD4 - DDD1 G425 EEE4 - EEE1
7:40PM G445 WW2 - WW3 G446 XX2 - XX3 G447 DDD2 - DDD3 G448 EEE2 - EEE3
9:00PM G463 YY2 - YY3 G464 YY4 - YY1 G465 FFF2 - FFF3 G466 FFF4 - FFF1
7/16 Las Vegas Main Las Vegas Auxiliary Mojave Main Mojave Auxiliary
  Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G265 NNN1 - NNN3 G266 MMM1 - MMM3 G267 UUU1 - UUU3 G268 TTT1 - TTT4
10:20AM G288 NNN2 - NNN4 G289 MMM2 - MMM4 G290 UUU2 - UUU4 G291 TTT2 - TTT3
11:40AM G311 OOO2 - OOO4 G312 OOO1 - OOO3 G313 PPP4 - PPP1 G314 QQQ4 - QQQ1
1:00PM G334 GGG4 - GGG1 G335 HHH4 - HHH1 G336 PPP2 - PPP3 G337 QQQ2 - QQQ3
2:20PM G357 GGG2 - GGG3 G358 HHH2 - HHH3 G359 RRR4 - RRR1 G360 SSS4 - SSS1
3:40PM G380 JJJ4 - JJJ1 G381 LLL4 - LLL1 G382 RRR2 - RRR3 G383 SSS2 - SSS3
5:00PM G403 JJJ2 - JJJ3 G404 LLL2 - LLL3 G405 TTT4 - TTT1 G406 UUU4 - UUU1
6:20PM G426 MMM4 - MMM1 G427 NNN4 - NNN1 G428 TTT2 - TTT3 G429 UUU2 - UUU3
7:40PM G449 MMM2 - MMM3 G450 NNN2 - NNN3
9:00PM G467 OOO2 - OOO3 G468 OOO4 - OOO1
7/16 Cheyenne Main Cheyenne Auxiliary Desert Pines HS
  Game # Teams Game # Teams Game # Teams
9:00AM G269 VVV1 - VVV2 G270 WWW1 - WWW2 G271 BBBB1 - BBBB2
10:20AM G292 VVV3 - VVV4 G293 WWW3 - WWW4 G294 BBBB3 - BBBB4
11:40AM G315 XXX1 - XXX2 G316 YYY1 - YYY2 G317 CCCC1 - CCCC2
1:00PM G338 XXX3 - XXX4 G339 YYY3 - YYY4 G340 CCCC3 - CCCC4
2:20PM G361 ZZZ1 - ZZZ2 G362 AAAA1 - AAAA2 G363 DDDD1 - DDDD2
3:40PM G384 ZZZ3 - ZZZ4 G385 AAAA3 - AAAA4 G386 DDDD3 - DDDD4
5:00PM G407 WWW1 - WWW3 G408 VVV1 - VVV3 G409 BBBB1 - BBBB3
6:20PM G430 WWW2 - WWW4 G431 VVV2 - VVV4 G432 BBBB2 - BBBB4