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SoCalHoops Tournament & Recruiting News

More Coverage Of The Nike
Oregon Global Challenge--(Aug. 3, 2000)

globalchallenge.jpg (10569 bytes)Yesterday we posted the official link to the SportsCombine website, which announced that it would have lots of great information on the Nike Global Challenge, the tournament which began today up in Beaverton, Oregon.  Well, since yesterday, we've heard about two other sites who will be providing coverage of the event, to varying degrees.  One is the "official" Nike site, specifically created (or so it seems) for the tournament, which can be accessed through this link.   As of this writing, however, the tournament is underway and the first round of games should have been completed, but there aren't any results posted.    Still, this looks like a promising site, and they've got all of the rosters posted for the teams, and the same stuff (although in different format) that you'll find at the SportsCombine site.

A third site, and one which we shouldn't have overlooked is the OregonPreps website (one of the recruiting sites) which promises live updates from the event, player evaluations and the like.  They have the schedules, the team rosters, and the same stuff you'll find at the other two sites, and likewise, as of this writing, the live updates don't really seem to be live. . . but they will certainly be updated by later tonight, and the Oregon Preps folks do a great job, so you'll probably find the best player evaluations and insights on the teams there.

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