SoCalHoops Tournament News
Rim Rattler Inland
Empire Invitational Set
For September 16-17, 2000--(August 11, 2000)
We just received word of this event, and while it will likely conflict with the EBO Sweet 16 Fall event up in Fresno, it's no secret that 16 teams just can't accomodate everyone who wants to play, and likewise, not everyone can travel again in September, especially with the school calendar just opening up at that time. So Etop Udo-Ema and Rim Rattler will be hosting the "Inland Empire Invitational" at UC Riverside the weekend of September 16-17. According to Etop, this event will include both club teams and squads comprised of individuals who sign up for entry, who will be placed on teams (much like the concept that the Pumps have used in their shootouts and camp events). For more information, please contact Etop Udo-Ema at (562) 901-8592 or e-mail Etop at
And for those curious about what's going on in September, here's what we're pretty certain the schedule of events will be during the fall evaluation/contact period (it's a "contact" period because coaches are allowed to actually make contact and talk with the players and their parents, and they can also arrange home visits, unlike during the summertime, when coaches can only look, but not speak with players directly, except by telephone and then only within the context of their limited number of calls):
September 8-11:
Long Beach Fall Hoops Classic at Lynwood HS
September 16-17:
Mats/EBO Fall Sweet 16 Tournament (Fresno)
Rim Rattler Inland Empire Invitational (Riverside)
September 23-24
Double Pump Fall Premier Tournament
We're not certain of other events, but there will undoubtedly be others during this period, so stay tuned (although the weekend of the 30th is also the same weekend as Rosh Hashanah, one of two holidays where you will not find some players participating for religious reasons.
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