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SoCalHoops College News

CSUN's Eric Brown Is Alive And Doing
Well. . . At CSUN--(Sept. 5, 2000)

Over the weekend we reported on the hiring by Cal State Northridge of two new assistant coaches, Shon Tarver and Danny Sprinkle   (the former a UCLA standout and former pro player, and the latter a standout player at Montana State recently, who elected not to play pro ball). 

As a part of that report, we noted that it appeared Eric Brown, assistant coach at CSUN had mysteriously disappeared from the CSUN staff, and his picture, prominently featured on the CSUN website  in the basketball coaches' bio section, had also been removed.  And while there had been no official announcement on the subject from the school, all signs pointed (or so we deduced) to the conclusion that perhaps Tarver or Sprinkle had been hired to replace Brown.

Well, one person who was completely oblivious to our report was Eric Brown.  Today he arrived at his office and was greeted by one of the men's basketball department secretarial members, who looked at him somewhat quizzically, and asked, "Do you still work here?"   After a short time, and a good laugh by more than a few people, Eric learned what we had learned over the weekend:   1)  His picture had been removed from the CSUN website, and 2) He was no longer listed on the site as an assistant coach.  He was then shown a copy of our article, and of course he immediately called us to set the record straight:

"I'm still coaching at Northridge.   Andre Chevalier (the former Cleveland HS coach, and former CSUN player) has left the staff, and that's why we hired Tarver and Sprinkle.  But I haven't left, and have no plans to leave,"  Eric told us.  "The reason my picture isn't there is because whoever designed our website used a single picture for both Andre and I, together, and when Andre left, the entire biographical section was temporarily pulled down." 

"I think it's pretty funny," Eric said.  "I didn't know about the report until I got to work, and then a lot of other people also assumed that I had left too.  But I am still here and very happy to still be with coach Braswell and the Matador program."

See, "we're guessing that Eric will surface somewhere real soon. . . perhaps locally" we didn't know how right we would actually be.

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