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SoCalHoops High School News

Modesto Holiday Hoops Classic
Starts This Wednesday--(Dec. 25, 2000)

What: Modesto Holiday Hoops Classic
Where: Modesto Christian HS
When December 27-30, 2000
Who: 12 Top HS teams from all over California

As if there weren't enough tournaments going on in SoCal, there's yet another taking place in the Central Valley (well, it's actually in NorCal according to the CIF's magic dividing line) up in Modesto at Modesto Christian HS.   The Modesto Holiday Hoops Classic will feature two days of pool play and then two more days of bracket play, a unique format where the pools are used to determine the seeding in the brackets.  Here are the teams participating:

Pool A Pool B Pool C Pool D
Bret Harte
Fresno Central
Brookside Christian
San Jose Bellarmine
Modesto Christian
Samuel Hancock
Bakersfield Centennial
Fresno Edison
Long Beach Poly

We're not sure whether "Washington" is Fresno Washington Union (likely) or LA Washington (less likely, but possible), and Canyon we're assuming is Anaheim Canyon, but again we could be wrong about this one. There's no mistaking Inglewood or Long Beach Poly, and they will certainly be two of the favorites in this tournament.  Inglewood's play has been spotty at best lately and in the Rim Rattler they struggled.   Long Beach Poly is still searching for its rythym, looking to see which of the football players returning will fit.  Both teams have been inconsistent at the point guard spot, Inglewood largely because of an injury to Jason McKinney (5'-11" Jr. PG) which we have heard may keep him out for the rest of the season, and Poly trying to get consistency from Isaiah Freeman (5'-11" Fr. PG) and Carlos Rivers (5'-11" Jr. PG), and not playing one other guard at all (Mike Washington (6'-0" Jr. PG).  

We won't be up in Modesto for this tournament, so results will be spotty, but we can suggest either the Modesto Bee or NorCalPreps, and maybe even SacAreaHoops. . . of course, there's also the traditional sources for news on how a team is doing, i.e., the local newspapers for each team (e.g., the Long Beach Press-Telegram for LB Poly, etc).  Of course, if someone up at the tournament is traveling with a computer, they are more than welcome to post the results on the message board or e-mail them to us. . .

Here's the pool play schedule for Wednesday and Thursday

Wed. 12/27
3:30 p.m. Bret Harte v. Central
5:00 p.m. Canyon v. Edison
6:30 p.m. Samuel Hancock v. Centennial
8:00 p.m. Modesto Christian v. Brookside Christian
Thurs. 12/28
9:00 a.m. Washington v. Samuel Hancock
10:30 a.m. Bellarmine v. Brookside Christian
12:00 p.m. Inglewood v. Bret Harte
1:30 p.m. LB Poly v. Canyon
3:00 p.m. Centennial v. Washington
4:30 p.m. Central v. Inglewood
6:00 p.m. Edison v. LB Poly
7:30 p.m. Modesto Christian v. Bellarmine

Based on the seedings from pool play here's what the bracket play will look like:

Sat. 12/30 Sat. 12/30 Fri.12/29 Fri.12/29 Sat.12/30
Winner G9
Fifth Place
4:00 p.m.
Winner G 10
Loser G1
10:00 a.m.
Loser G2

1st Pool  A
10:00 a.m.
2nd Pool C

Winner G1
7:00 p.m.
Winner G2
Winner G7
7:30 p.m.
Winner G8

1st Pool B
11:30 a.m.
2nd Pool D

Loser G3
11:30 a.m.
Loser G4
1st Pool C
1:00 p.m.
2nd Pool A
Winner G3
8:30 p.m.
Winner G4
1st Pool D
2:30 p.m.
2nd Pool B
  Loser G7
5:30 p.m.
Third Place
Loser G8

Consolation Bracket

Loser G5
Sat. 12/30 1:00 p.m.
Loser G6

3rd Pool A
4:00 p.m.
3rd Pool C

Winner G5
Sat. 12/30 2:30 p.m.
Winner G6

3rd Pool B
5:30 p.m.
3rd Pool D

The Swish Award
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