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SoCalHoops Junior College News

California JUCO State Tournament
Pairings To Be Released Today--(Feb. 20, 2001)

The California JUCO Tournaments (both men's and women's) will get underway shortly.  All of the coaches from around the State met on Monday, February 19 to perform the seeding process for post-season play.  Here's the official press release from the California Commission on Athletics, which is the governing body for the JUCO basketball State Championship Tournament (remember, California is not part of the NJCAA, even though it was a founding member, and thus California JC's do not compete for the National JC Championship which takes place each year in Hutchinson, Kansas).  So this is it, the big enchilada in California, and it's every bit as big as the NJCAA tournament, featuring 64 men's teams and 48 women's.  Here's the press release:

The Commission on Athletics is pleased to announce that its sports information department will post the pairings of 2001 Hyundai-California Community College Men's and Women's Basketball Championships by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2001. First round games begin on February 23.

The respective coaches association, COA sport representatives and COA staff will meet on Monday, February 19, 2001 at various sites across the state to conduct the seeding processes for postconference play in the northern and southern regions. Once transmitted, COA staff will input the data and post the match-ups on its website,

Sixty-four men's teams (32 in each region) will be seeded. The men's side will contest three regional rounds (hosted by the higher seed) with four regional champions advancing to the elite 8 to be hosted by UOP's Spanos Center, March 8-10, 2001 in Stockton, CA. The women's side will feature 48 teams statewide (24 seeded teams in each region, with the top four in each region receiving a first-round bye). The four regional champions will advance to the elite 8 at San Joaquin Delta College (quarterfinals and semi-finals) and the championship game at UOP's Spanos Center, March 8-10, 2001. The COA will televise - on a tape-delayed basis - both championship games on Fox Sports Bay Area, Fox Sports West LA, and its own statewide television network. Visit the COA website for exact air dates and times in your region.

Due to the expected volume of requests, the COA will not respond to fax requests or telephonic inquiries. Anyone needing the results of the seeding process can download the seeds directly from the COA website at

The Swish Award
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