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SoCalHoops College News

Tony Carter-Loza Named Coach
At LA Harbor College--(Mar. 8, 2001)

We got word from one of our friends about the hiring of a new men's basketball coach at LA Harbor College:  Tony Carter-Loza. Coach Loza comes to Harbor with 22 years of high school coaching experience, at such schools as Compton, Bishop Montgomery & South Gate, and some college coaching experiences as well, including Cal State Dominguez Hills and Cerritos College. Coach Loza is a graduate of Torrance High School (1979), attended El Camino and Cal State Dominguez Hills.   "Coach Loza is a tireless worker with great people skills. His teams play a stiffling man defense and are fundamentally sound," said Todd Malecki, who passed along the information to us.  "He is optimistic about Harbor becoming a solid program, on the court and in the classroom."  We want to extend our congratulations to coach Loza and wish him good luck. 

The Swish Award
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