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SoCalHoops High School News

Fullcourt Press Spring League Schedule
For Tomorrow & This Next Week--(Mar. 17, 2001)

We just checked our prior update for this league, which we posted on Thursday, and realized that we'd posted the wrong link on the Daily Articles page. . .and that we'd ended up simply reposting the announcment of the league, but had left off the schedules (which is what we had intended to post in the first instance last Thursday).  Well, we've fixed the link and once again, we're going to repost the schedule for Sunday, March 18, Monday March 19, Tuesday March 20, Wednesday, March 21 and Thursday March 22.  These schedules are slightly revised, so forget the earlier postings.  This is the real-deal.

Sunday, March 18th @ Long Beach Millikan

2:00 p.m.     ARC v. M&M Drum
3:00 p.m.     Team Carson v. Los Angeles Cubs
4:00 p.m.     Team Spalding v. Plyo-City
5:00 p.m.     Belmont Shore/South Bay v. Lakewood Hoops
6:00 p.m.     Belmont Shore v. Dada Footwear
7:00 p.m.     Belmont Shore/Long Beach v. H-Squad

Monday, March 19th @ Long Beach Millikan HS

7:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore/Long Beach v. Team Carson
8:00 p.m.    Dada Footwear v. Lakewood Hoops
9:00 p.m.    Team Spalding v. M&M Drum

Tuesday, March 20th @ Long Beach Poly HS

7:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore v. Plyo-City
8:00 p.m.    H-Squad v. OLos Angeles Cubs
9:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore/South Bay v. ARC

Wednesday, March 21st @ Long Beach Poly HS

7:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore/Long Beach v. Team Spalding
8:00 p.m.    Dada Footwear v. Team Carson
9:00 p.m.    Plyo City v. Los Angeles Cubs

Thursday, March 22nd @ Long Beach Poly HS

7:00 p.m.    H-Squad v. Lakewood Hoops
8:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore/South Bay v. M&M Drum
9:00 p.m.    Belmont Shore v. ARC

Participating Teams:

1. Belmont Shore--Dinos Trigonis
2. Belmont Shore/Long Beach--Monty Lopez
3. Belmont Shore/South Bay--Steve Brown
4. Dada Footwear--Bob Burns/ Ruben Sanchez
5. Team Spalding--Peter Sverkos
6. Lakewood Hoops--AC Diaz
7. M&M Drum--Monty Lopez
8. Team Carson--Charles Washington
9. Plyo City--Craig Crawley
10. Los Angeles Cubs--Mike O'Quinn
11. H-Squad--Rick Isaacs
12. ARC --Robert Ichart

For additional information on the league call Dinos Trigonis at 562-223-0190 or you can e-mail him at


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