SoCalHoops High School News
Pacific View League All-League
A Lesson In Inclusion--(Mar. 3, 2001)
We were really glad to see the All-League selections from the Pacific View League for this season. Not so much because of who, in particular was selected, but because finally, someone, somewhere "gets it". . . This is a small league by Southern Section standards, with only 5 teams in it. But, unlike some larger leagues, including some leagues with as many as 8 teams who have a group of coaches who mistakenly believe that all-league honors are something meant to be parceled out in a miserly fashion (really, there are leagues with 8 teams who only give out 10 all-league honors, 5 to the first team, and 5 to the second team, which obviously means that at least three teams probably won't even get a player recognized), the Pacific View League has a group of coaches who seem to understand that sometimes more is in fact more (not less), that what the All-League selections are about is honoring the kids, a way of saying thanks for a great season, and not some silly way of "protecting" some "sacred" cow. This is a league that has opted for inclusion rather than exclusion, for giving kids the hope that their hard work may actually be recognized, not about in-fighting and back-biting in order to give out not enough awards to too few players.
This is something we feel prety strongly about, because ultimately while each league is free to do things their own way, ultimately it's our view that giving out the All-League selections shouldn't be about adults arguing over whether printing another piece of paper or handing out another trophy is going to "cheapen" an award but instead coaches should be asking themselves, "have we given out enough awards?" "Are there more deserving kids who should be honored?" "Have we left anyone out?" And we're please to see that the coaches of the Pacific View League seem to have gone in the right direction.
In contrast, there are a few league administrators out there who don't believe all-league honors should be spread around, who believe that they should be limited, to the point of being rarer than elephants who can fly. We can't argue with the concept that an all-league selection should be special, but some leagues care more about limiting the numbers rather than honoring more players. To the former, who have either wittingly or unwittingly slighted kids who deserve to be recognized, we say "listen up". . . it's you to whom we're speaking right now, and we hope you're reading this and getting the message: There are far too many kids who bust their butts for just a little recognition for you to ignore this.
And to those like the Pacific View League coaches, we say thanks for "getting it," for understanding that by including more than you've excluded, you've hurt no one, diminished nothing, and probably made a lot of kids happy. Because ultimately, it's probably only the kids and their parents who will likely ever remember this small but significant honor that you've bestowed by selecting them to your all league teams. And to those players chosen, congratulations from SoCalHoops, and to those who weren't, keep on trying. \
Here are the Pacific View League All-League Selections 2000-2001 Season
Nick Curtis--Oxnard--MVP
All-League First Team
Ian Caldwell --Camarillo
Jared Jungwirth--Camarillo
Erik Webb--Oxnard
Jonathan Davis--Oxnard
John McBride--Rio Mesa
John Moreno--Rio Mesa
Manny Berrelleza--Channel Islands
All-League Second Team
Daniel Bednar--Rio Mesa
Angel Torres--Rio Mesa
Tunde Alonge--Rio Mesa
Johnathan Monette--Oxnard
Shamir Simmons--Oxnard
Frankie Orocio--Hueneme
Matt Wallman--Camarillo
Alex Solis--Channel Islands
Jimmy Alstot--Camarillo
Brad Boyer--Camarillo
Steve Baier--Channel Islands
Richard Jones--Hueneme
Darnell Hall--Hueneme
Justin Hawkins--Hueneme
Jason Parker--Oxnard
Tramaine Murray--Oxnard
Daniel Beltran--Oxnard
Lee Abair--Oxnard
Victor Lazcano--Rio Mesa
Henry Lobo--Oxnard--Coach of the Year
Congratulations to all the All-League players from the Pacific View League
å’€opyright SoCalHoops 1997-2001
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