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SoCalHoops Recruiting News

CSUN Gets Big Man
Armand Thomas?--(Apr. 18, 2001)

Recruiting USA is reporting that Cal State Northridge has picked up another big man in former Crenshaw HS and Compton CC player Armand Thomas (6'-7" So. JUCO PF).   We'd love to verify the signing, if that's what Northridge has indeed received, but the CSUN athletics website is under renovation while it undergoes a complete redesign and has zero information, and apparently there's been no official press release either because none of the local papers have announced it.  Maybe we'll hear from some of the coaches later today if indeed it's really happened.  We're also not certain how many scholarships the Matadors presently have to give, but we know that they are/were pursuing another former Crenshaw teammate of Thomas',  LACC's Ryan Simms (6'-8" So. JUCO F).   We're not sure whether Ryan has committed or will commit in the future to coach Braswell,  and we're also confident that Simms has a few other offers, but last we heard he was interested and so were the Matadors. 

The Swish Award
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