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SoCalHoops Recruiting News

adidas-Double Pump Easter Tournament:
Assorted California Team Rosters--(Apr. 7, 2001)

What: adidas-Double Pump doublepumpeaster.jpg (20055 bytes)
"Pump N Run Easter Tournament"
NCAA Certified Event
When: Friday April 6         4:00 p.m.- 8:40 p.m
Saturday, April 7   9:00a.m.-9:50 p.m
Sunday, April 8     9:00 a.m. -3:15 p.m.
Where: CSU Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria
Carson, CA
Lynwood HS
4050 E. Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA
Who: 80+ Travel & All-Star Teams

The 26 team rosters listed below are all from Southern California, and we've simply listed them all here because we didn't know where else to categorize them. . .  Many are high school teams playing as club teams, and others are groups of players who have amalgamated for this tournament, or for the rest of the spring and summer.  Most of the teams have one or two excellent players and some are much deeper than others. We have not attempted to categorize them, except that they are among the SoCal-based teams that are either new, or consist mainly of all guys from the same high school or geographic area (i.e, suburb or city) within SoCal.   We have used simply the roster information which was provided in the coaches' packets, and have not actually verified that all of these players in fact played in the tournament.   Roster info was based on what the coach of each team submitted to Double Pump prior to the tournament and there have been a lot of known changes, and as you'll see, many of the rosters list the same players.  We saw a lot of these guys, and indeed, some were playing for more than one team, but that was the exception in this tournament not the rule.

1 Tough School of Basketball

Chris Goswiller  

6'-6" Jr.  

Capistrano Valley

Drew Terry  

6'-0" So.  


Geoff Keith  

6'-2" Jr.  

Tarbut v' Torah

Mitch Matthews  

6'-3" Jr.  

Cathedral City

Brad McLaughlin  

6'-2" Jr.  

Dana Hills

Ryan Moore  

6'-6" Sr.  

Brea Olinda

Rob Selway  

6'-4" Jr.  


Bryce Sheldon  

6'-2" Jr.  


Shawn Weinstein  

6'-1"  So.  


805 Basketball

Jonathan Davis  

6'-0" Jr.  


Lee Abair  

6'-3" Jr.  


Shamir Simmons  

6'-3" Jr.  


Ike Counts  

6'-3" So.  


Luis Palado  

6'-1" So.  


Armando Surratt  

6'-0" Jr.  

Oakland Tech

Asher Kupperman  

6'-1" Jr.  

San Marcos

Gerald Pruify  

6'-3" Jr.  

Mission Prep

Joel Smith  

6'-5" Jr.  


Kevin Cornwell  

6'-7" Jr.  


Michael Thompson  

6'-9" So.  

East Bakersfield

Souleymane Timoare  

6'-9" Jr.  

Mission Prep

Scott Buell  

6'-6" So.  

Arroyo Grande

Amer-I-Can All Stars

Davis Cantor  

6'-4" So.  


Cartier Carter  

5'-7" So.  


Jonathan Fryer  

6'-07" Jr.  


Oneye Ibekew  

6'-7" Jr.  


Curtis Isom  

6'-3" Jr.  


James Matthews  

6'-7" Jr.


Chris Recker  

6'-5" So.  


Joshua Rockett  

6'-5" Jr.  


Marquis Washington  

5'-9" Fr.  


AST (aka all players from Artesia HS)

Terrance Henderson  

5'-10" Jr.

John Ricks  

5'-10" Fr.

Kirk Wilson  

5'-9' So.

Jose Laboy  

5'-9" Jr.

Jibri Taylor  

5'-10" So.

Ronald Allen  

6'-8" Jr.  

Antoine Lee  

5'-10" So.

Reggie Brown  

6'-3" So.

KeJuan Johnson  

6'-2" So.

Ryan Meilleur  

6'-8" Jr.

Chris Smith  

5'-9" Jr.

Kaelen Daniels  

6'-5" So.

Aztecs (all players from Esperanza HS)

Kris Kohl  

6'-2" Jr.

Art Darien  

5'-8"  Fr.

Michael Davis  

6'-1" Fr.

Chris Withrow  

6'-2" Jr.

Burke Spencer  

5'-9" Jr.

Braden Porter  

6'-0" So.

Kyle Aurelio  

5'-9" So.

Mark Lovein  

6'-7" So.

Kyle Miller  

6'-1" So.

Cory Hayashi  

5'-9" Jr.

Jesse Hills  

6'-6" So.

Ballin In OC

Noel Montesinos  

6'-2" Jr.  


Marcelus Robertson  

6'-7" Jr.  


John Shaw  

6'-3" So.  

Sunny Hills

Dominique Sims  

6'-0" Jr.  

La Habra

Dontae Bradford  


Carver Kennerson  

6'-4" Jr.  

La Habra

Tyler McShane  

6'-2" So.  

La Habra

Sean McDonough  

6'-3" So.  

La Habra

Geoffrey Clayton  

6'-3" Jr.  


Jon Fews  

6'-3" Jr.  


Virgil Bobar  

6'-5" So.  



Noah Alsabah  

5'-11" Sr.  


Jake Collins  

6'-3" So.  

Santa Margarita

Tashaun Forehan-Kelly  

6'-2" Sr.  


CJ Hubbard  

5'-10" Sr.  


Danny Lambert  

6'-4" Sr.  


Daniel Quijano  

6'-3" Jr.  

Santa Margarita

Michael Reich  

6'-4" Sr.  


Blake Sholberg  

7'-0" Sr.  

Will C. Wood

Hayden Socci  

6'-1" Jr.  

Santa Margarita

RJ Socci  

6'-2" Sr.  

Santa Margarita

Adam Tancredi  

6'-9" Sr.  

Santa Margarita

Derek Wheeler  

6'-7" Sr.  


Zach Zanolli  

6'-0" Sr.  

Aliso Niguel

Commanches (all players from Canyon Anaheim HS)

Jared Bender  

6'-4" Jr.  

Keith Wood  

6'-1" Jr.

Nate Miller  

6'-2" So.

Vanden Stelly  

5'-7" Jr.

Omar Saied  

5'-6" Fr.

Matt Ulery  

5'-8" Fr.

Ryan Ito  

5'-6" So.

Rom Armani  

6'-5" So.

Derron Putnam  

6'-6" Jr.

Brandon Joseph  

5'-9" Jr.

Michael Simon  

6'-1" So.

Jarrett Horton  

5'-10" Jr.

AJ Atkinson  

6'-2" Jr.

Bryson Uyehara  

5'-8" Fr.

Jason Davis  

6'-2" Jr.

Diamonds (All players but one are from Washington Prep HS)

Marquis Bridges  

6'-3"  So

Anthony Brown  

6'-0" Jr.

Garland Demazehere  

6'-1" So.

Demetrius Hazel  

6'-3" So.

Jamaal Lee  

6'-4" Jr.

Curtis Nash  

6'-0" Jr.

DaWayne Thomas  

6'-3" So.

Dorell Wright  

6'-6" So.

Kamaron Yancy  

5'-11" Jr. (Fairfax)

Dynasty (All Players from Ontario HS, except where otherwise noted)

Mike Garcia  

5'-8" Jr.

Sharod Smith  

5'-10" Jr.

Jacob liamas  

6'-2" Jr.

Carlos Garcia  

6'-0" Jr.

James Caliz  

6'-2" Jr.

Justin Garcia  

5'-8" Jr.  AB Miller HS

Dan Nobles  

6'-4" So.

Brian Conley  

6'-1" Jr.

Harold Ringgold  

6'-1" Jr.  Chino HS

David Dunn  

6'-5" Jr.

Kalanji Guillory  

6'-5" Jr.


Derick Wright  


Rolling Hills Prep

Leo Thomas  



Richard Han  


Long Beach Poly

Lemar Warren  


Long Beach Wilson

Curtis Isom  



Terrence Bamun  


Marcus Malone  



Davis Shaw  


Ryan Love  

6'-6" Jr.  

Long Beach Poly

Marcus Lewis  

6'-4" So.  

Long Beach Poly

Jamel Campbell  



Hoop Session

Mark Covin  

6'-1" So.  

Santa Monica

Michael Davis  

6'-5" Fr.  

St. John Bosco

Andrew Green  

6'-8" Fr.  


Eugene Hackett  

6'-4" Jr.  

St. Bernard

Chris Hemphill  

6'-7" So.  


Kejuan Johnson  

6'-2" So.  


Sonny Kaesbauer  

6'-3" Fr.  

St. John Bosco

Terrence King  

5'-11" Fr.  

St. John Bosco

Aaron King  

6'-0" Jr.  


Eric Lane  

6'-0" So.  

St. John Bosco

Christian Martin  

6'-6" So.  

Garces Memorial

Brandon Rush  

6'-1" So.  

St. John Bosco

Giovanni St. Amant  

6'-4" Jr.  

St. John Bosco

Kenneth Taylor  

6'-2" So.  

St. John Bosco

Duan Wright  

6'-6" Fr.  


Donnell Wright  

6'-6" So.


Sebastian Anderle  

6'-11" Jr.  

Montclair Prep

Marco Bojovic  

6'-8" Jr.  

Montclair Prep

Wayne Chamberlain  

6'-6" Jr.  

Washington Prep

Sobbodan Cviujovic  

6'-3" Jr.  

Montclair Prep

Derek Daniel  

6'-7" Jr.  

Montclair Prep

Blaise Louh  

6'-9" Jr.  

Montclair Prep

Corey Lowe  

6'-8" So.  

Washington Prep

Demetrius Orme  

6'-5" Sr.  

Washington Prep

Harvey Perry  

6'-2" Fr.  

Montclair Prep (anticipated)

Cedric Smith  

5'-8" So.  

Washington Prep

DaShawn Strong  

6'-3" Jr.  

El Segundo


Steve Badue  

5'-10" Sr.  


Tyler Bleeker  

6'-3" Jr.  

Temescal Canyon

Melvin Cooper  

6'-0" Sr.  

Temecula Valley

Joshua Garrett  

6'-0" Jr.  

Temescal Canyon

Nigel Kelly  

6'-4" So.  

Temescal Canyon

Nathan Kelly  

6'-5" Sr.  

Temescal Canyon

Dan Larson  

6'-1" Sr.  

Murrieta Valley

Mike Lewis  

6'-0" Sr.  


Elliot Lindsley  

6'-6" Sr.

Murrieta Valley

Ray Mejia  

6'-1" Sr.  

Murrieta Valley

Noah Montesino  

6'-2" Jr.  


Sean Spratling  

5'-10" Jr.  

Murrieta Valley

Patrick Young  

6'-2" So.  

Temescal Canyon

Jackrabbits (all players are from Long Beach Poly)

Michael Washington  

5'-10" Jr.

Mike Pagan  

5'-6" Fr.

Jamil Gay  

6'-3" Jr.

Isaiah Freeman  

5'-9" So

Carlos Rivers  

5'-10" Jr.

Barry Barnes  

5-7" Fr.

Jared Knight  

6'-0" Fr.

Chris Fields

Reggie Butler  

6'-6" Jr.

Mike Roche  

6'-6" Jr.

Marcedes Lewis  

6'-7" Jr.

Marcus Lewis  

6'-4" Jr.

David Sutton  


Ryan Love  

6'-6" Jr.

Richard Han  


Lions (All players are from San Luis Obispo)

Dan Herron  

6'-0" So.

Tyson Linneman  

6'-2" So.

Jake Leonard  

6'-2" So

Dan Monroe  

6'-5" Jr.

Dan Higgins  

6'-3" So.

Evan Dimmit  

6'-3" So.

Juan Ruiz  

5'-6" Jr.

Jeff Mahin  

6'-0" Jr.

Ian Jorgeson  

6'-3" Jr.

North Orange County (All players are from Servite HS)

James Craddick  

5'-11" Fr.

Sean Ferguson  

6'-4" So.

George Franklin  

6'-3" Jr.

Bob Gunderson  

6'-0" Jr.

Aaron Hergenpeter  

6'-4" So.

Erik Hilde  

6'-0" Jr.

Don Dause  

6'-4" So.

Lionel Killens  

5'-5" Fr.

Andrew Martin  

5'-10" Fr.

Brent McConaahy  

5'-11" So.

Jason Millar  

5'-11" Jr.

Brian Traska  

6'-2" So.

Brian Yuijico  

5'-4" So.

Playa Del Rey (all players are from St. Bernard HS)

Bruce Bevans  

6'-0" Jr.  

Jason Grimes  

6'-3" Fr.

Eugene Hackett  

6'-4" Jr.

Rocky Hinds  

6'-4" Fr.

Justin Hunt  

5'-8" So.

Michael Keldorf  

5'-10" Jr.

Yannick Koffi  

5'-8" Jr.

Yonas Michael  

5'-11" So.

Aaron Nesbitt  

6'-3" So.

Michael Pye  

5'-8" So.

Chris Rawson  

6'-5" So.

Kevin Ross  

5'-11" So.

Aaron Sampson  

5'-8" So.

Charles Stokes  

6'-6" So.

Greg Taylor  

5'-9" Jr.

Rock N Run

Trent Hardeman  

6'-3" So.  


Travis Hardeman  

6'-4" So.  


John Shaw  

6'-2" So.  

Sunny Hills

Damon Leidig  

5'-10" So.  

La Serna

Brent Smith  

6'-8" So.  


John Pohlen  

6'-2" So.


Nate Gilkes  

6'-2' So.  


Peter Bond  

6'-1" Fr.  

El Dorado

Evan Moore  

6'-6" So.  

Brea Olinda

Doug Gomez  

6'-2" Fr.  


San Diego Cougars

Eric Chamblee  

6'-1" Jr.  


Daniel Bastine  

6'-0" So.  

El Camino

Eric Nusinow  

5'-8" Jr.  

Torrey Pines

Mith Bussey  

6'-2" Jr.  

Mission Bay

Bryce Daniels  

5'-8" So.

Mission Bay

Jason Parker  

6'-4" So.  

Mission Bay

Alex Zalkin  

6'-0" Jr.  

Torrey Pines

Michael Singleton  

5'-10" So.  


Mike Scott  

5'-9" So.  

Marian Catholic

Avi Fogel  

6'-3" So.  

Torrey Pines

Rodrique Enson  

6'-9" Jr.  

Torrey Pines

Marcus Smith  

6'-5" Jr.  

Mission Bay


Jamal Flanagan  

6'-2" Sr.  

Antelope Valley Christian

Phillip Vargas  

5'-5" So.  


Percy Pickett  

5'-9" So.  

Antelope Valley Christian

Matthew Marquez  

6'-0" So.  


Jeremiah Nurse  

6'-0" Fr.  

Antelope Valley Christian

John Cho  

6'-2" Sr.  

Antelope Valley Christian

Chris Booker  

6'-1" Fr.  


Anthony Bernard  

6'-4" Jr.  


Eugene Hutchinson  

6'-2" So.  


Phillip Okonma  

6'-8" So.  

Antelope Valley Christian

South Central Eagles (all players from Verbum Dei, except where noted)

Deshalen Barber  

6'-4" Jr.

Ameer Muhammad  

6'-0" Jr.  

Eric Stewart  

6'-4" Jr.

Deangelo Bijole  

6'-0" Jr.

Geoffrey Clayton  

6'-4" Jr.  


Richard Chaney  

6'-6" Jr.

Deon Marcusq  

6'-8" Jr.

Michael Bell  

6'-3" So.

Martin Starr  

6'-7" Jr.

James Matthews  

6'-8" Jr.

Mike Lay  

5'-10" Sr.

Team San Diego

Justin Armstrong  

6'-3" Fr.  

El Camino

Craig Austin  

6'-9" Fr.  


Mario Berson  

5'-11" Fr.  

San Diego

Quenton Byers  

6'-7" Fr.  


Brandon Glenn  

6'-5" So.  

San Diego

Tito Littleton  

5'-8" Fr.  

San Diego

Grayson Moyer  

6'-5" Fr.  

La Jolla

Andrew Olson  

5'-10" Fr.  

Rancho Bernardo

Anthony Palmer  

5'-10" Fr.  

San Diego

Enrico Tucker  

5'-10" Fr.  

The Bishop's

Chase Wagner  

5'-9" Fr.  

Rancho Bernardo

Dwain Williams  

5'-10" 8th  

Thompson Middle School

Chauncey Wiseman  

6'-4" Fr.  

San Diego

Triple Threat

Carl Lloyd  

6'-1" So.  


Levi Henry  

5'-9" So.  


Phillip Botts  

6'-0" Sr.  


DeJohn Bryant  

5'-8" So.  


Matthew Nelson  

6'-1" So.  


Alex Bausley  

6'-6" So.  


Andre Fox  

6'-6" So.  


David Spencer  

6'-5" Sr.  


Villa Park (all players from Villa Park HS)

Kyle Hogan  

6'-4" So.

Nick Herrera  

5'-8" So.

Kyle Lan Franco  

5'-10" Jr.

Andrew Hosier  

6'-2" So.

Chris Selinsky  

6'-3" So.

Lloyd Cotton  

6'-2" Fr.

Corey Miller  

6'-1" So.

Brian Beisner  

5'-10" Jr.

Jeff Maxwell  

6'-4" Jr.

Sean Phaler  

6'-9" So.

Brice Prather  

6'-8" Jr.

Winnetka Bullets

Derek Fetty  

6'-0" Jr.  


Rene Shabastari  

6'-10" Jr.  

Stoneridge Prep

Tyler Kealey  

5'-11" Jr.  

Bell Jeff

Arik Freeman Anders  

6'-1" So.  

Granada Hills

Austin Nicholson  

6'-0"  So.  

LA Baptist

Charlie Shiebler  

6'-2" Sr.  


Thang Huynh  

5'-7" Jr.  

Granada Hills

Charles Thompson  

6'-1" Jr.  

Canoga Park

Chris Chavez  

6'-3" Jr.  

Bell Jeff

Ryan Shinneman-Johnson  

6'-6" Jr.

Bell Jeff 

The Swish Award
å’€opyright SoCalHoops 1997-2001
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