SoCalHoops Recruiting News
Rockfish Spring League:
Playoffs &
All Star Games Location--(Apr. 13, 2001)
We just realized upon re-reading the prior two articles about the Rockfish Spring League playoffs that some out there might not know where the RSL is held. The games on Saturday, playoff and all-star alike, and the three-point shooting contest, will be held at Los Angeles City College, which is located at 855 N. Vermont Ave., in the Hollywood area. The gym entrance is actually on Willowbrook , which intersects with Vermont, and is one block south of Santa Monica Blvd.
LACC is located on Vermont. The easiest way to get there by freeway is to take the Hollywood Fwy (U.S. 101) and exit at Vermont. Head north toward the Hollywood sign and the Griffith Park Observatory (if you see neither, it's either very smoggy, or you are headed the wrong way). Bring some quarters to feed the parking meters if you park on Heliotrope or Willowbrook (there's no parking on Vermont), unless of course you like paying 500% more for parking than a meter costs (yes, the parking enforcement people do hand out tickets on Saturday). There is also some parking on the campus, which is free, but if you think we're going to tell you how to get in, and possibly lose our own free spot, fuggedaboutit. If you can find it, you can park there. . .
Here's a link to a map showing the campus location in general (thanks to BibbyBaby at for the link). And since we're stealing stuff from BibbyBaby, here's another map which he thoughtfully posted at his site, but we've turned it around, shrunk it down a bit, and circled the gym in red and indicated the entrance off Willowbrook as well.
This actually looks nothing like what you'll see, but just look for the running track as you pass by on Vermont. The gym is immediately to the west of the track (we'd call it a football field, but LACC hasn't had football for about 10 years now. . .do they still have track and field?). . . We've circled it in red, and also indicated where the gate entrance is on Willowbrook.
Alternatively, taking the Metro is an option as well. Just get off the Red Line at the Santa Monica & Vermont exit.
There will be some excellent basketball played tomorrow, starting at 10:00 a.m. and continuing on throughout the day. Don't miss it.
See you there.
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