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SoCalHoops Tournanment News

Mats' Madness Tourney Looking
For Top Jr. High Teams Too--(May 8, 2001)

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4th Annual adidas-EA Sports Mat's Madness Tournament


May 26-28, 2001


Fresno, CA


Top Travel Teams From All Over the West

In addition to running a first rate tournament for some of the top high school travel teams (e.g., Oakland Slam N Jam, Pump N Run, Rockfish, EBO, Next Level, Sacramento Renegades, Paladins, etc., ad infinitum), the Mats' Madness spring tournament also features some of the better junior high level competition around.   But not many people know about the junior high tournament, so Mats asked us to spread the word, and we're happy to do that.  Mats' Madness is looking for top Jr. High level teams (e.g., 14-U, or teams with players all in junior high, i.e., current 7th & 8th graders) to participate in the tournament.  It's a great way to spend the weekend, see some good competition and also see some of the top high school prospects in California compete.  The field is already an excellent one, but there is room to expand it. 

The deadline to submit applications for entry is now May 19, 2001. If you have any questions call "Mats" at 559-275-4121 or 559-994-8243, or contact Dennis Magro at 559-322-1069.

See you there.

The Swish Award
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