SoCalHoops Recruiting News
Salt Lake Metro-Superstars
Profile Camp" This Week--(July 1, 2001)
What: Salt Lake Metro High Profile Camp
When: July 8-10
Where: Timpview HS, Provo, Utah
Who: Top prospects from West
If you are planning on attending or scouting the traditionally strong Double Pump adidas West Coast All-Stars Camp, the first session may likely be missing some players from Utah because David Hammer, the head coach of the Salt Lake Metro team has decided to have Salt Lake Metro host it's own camp during the first few days of the NCAA open evaluation period. We're not certain who will be there, or how many Utah players will stay at home for these first few days, but we'd be willing to bet that most of them will be down in Los Angeles for the second session of the Pump's which runs from the 11th-14th. Hammer promises that many of the top players from the Intermountain West will be in attendance at the Provo camp, but we'll have to wait for later reports from our friends in the region to see just who shows. Probably the highest high profile player who will likely be at the camp (unless he'll be at ABCD Camp) will be Salt Lake Metro's Steve Cobbley (6-10" Sr. C) from Highland HS in Pocatello, Idaho, so there ought to be at least a few colleges out looking at this camp.
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