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SoCalHoops Recruiting News

Colorado Buffs Set Sights
On Two SoCal Players--(Aug. 1, 2001)

Two SoCal-based players we heard a lot about the past few weeks who really improved their recruitment at the Big Time and the Best of Summer were David Patten (6'-10" Sr. F) from Eldorado HS in Placentia, and Darryl Pegram (6'-8" Sr. F) who has been attending Worcestor Academy (along with teammate Wes Wardrop). Both Patten and Pegram have become solid targets of the University of Colorado, and in addition to a "big" and a wing, we understand that the Buffs are also still looking for a point guard notwithstanding the fact that they already signed one of the quickest point guards on the face of the planet this spring by picking up former Manual Arts star James Wright from Compton Community College.

Patten's performances in the games we watched over the past two weeks have been steady and solid, as have the performances by Pegram.  We were told late in the spring by Patten that Utah State was seriously considering offering but whether that remains the case is unclear because we've heard they are also pursuing a JUCO player at the same position. But in a class which is lacking a lot of big men who are as skilled as Patten is, who can also shoot the ball out to three point range, we have no doubt that there will be a lot of serious offers coming his way in the next month.

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