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SoCalHoops Recruiting News

LA Rockfish Starting New 8th
Grade Travel Team--(Aug. 31, 2001)

David "Rockfish" Benezra and his trusty assistant coach and photographic-genius sidekick Mark Mayemura have asked us to pass along a message, so we will:

"If you would be so kind, we would like you to post an announcement on your site. The Los Angeles Rockfish are going to form an 8th grade team this year. All interested parties should call us at: 818/ 783 - 2212--the Wednesday after the Labor Day Weekend--when we will have details as to site and time."

So, there it is....All the aspiring 8th grade players who are interested ought to contact the Rockfish to let them know of that interest.     We understand from talking to both Mark and Dave about their plans for this age-level group that the 8th grade travel team will participate in a number of fall and winter tournaments this year, and it will be a sort of "proving ground" of sorts for players who might be interested in playing with the Rockfish HS-level travel teams once they enter high school.

In this respect, anyone who has visited SoCalHoops over the years will recognize the Rockfish name, and will know that they've got one of the most complete programs when it comes to club and NCAA-exposure basketball.  But for those who don't know, Rockfish runs probably the best and most competitive spring league in SoCal,  and they hold fall workouts for high school players and college prospects, as well as running high school travel teams that compete in some of the nation's best spring and summer NCAA exposure events (e.g., Spiece Indiana Run N Slam, adidas Three Stripes in New York, adidas Las Vegas Big Time, Double Pump Best of Summer, Mats' Madness, Oakland Slam N Jam "Elite 8x2", etc.) 

The concept of running an 8th grade team is a great idea for these guys, and it's a good way for the region's top younger players to get involved in the Rockfish program early,  so we'd encourage anyone with an interest to give them a call.

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