SoCalHoops High School News
CIF San Diego Section Updates:
Tip-Off Classic Announced--(Aug. 28, 2002)
year, the CIF San Diego Section appointed a new Commissioner, Dennis Ackerman, and he's
evidently been making an impact, not only in terms of the policies that the Section is
adopting, but also in the substance and public exposure that the Section has on its
website. Most of the CIF's 10 semi-autonomous regional sections have websites
(well, all but San Francisco, which has only 12 schools, and Oakland, which is really just
a "league" consisting of 6 schools, but which exists as a "Section"
for purely historical purposes), and those who have committed themselves to the internet
have discovered that by providing information about their structure, the rules and
policies which bind all of the 10 sections into a statewide California Interscholastic
Federation, the governing entity for high school athletics in California, can demystify
the process for people, inform them of the actual rules governing their
sport (basketball), and advise participants, coaches and parents about upcoming events and
important dates. In other words, handled properly, the internet can be a good
And San Diego has discovered that, and is doing some ambitious things with its website.
First, unlike anyone other section (besides the State CIF's own website), San Diego is the first to put all of the CIF and Section bylaws (it's own "Greenbook") online. While the CIF-SS has done a decent job of posting up an "FAQ" which details in question and answer format some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers, there's really no substitute for the entire text of the rules themselves. The "Greenbook" includes all of the rules, along with San Diego's own extensions thereof. Remember, every section of the CIF is governed by the State Bylaws, but they are permitted to add to those rules and can be more restrictive if the Section decides to do so. So, if you have a rules question which pertains specifically to a school in the San Diego CIF, you can now examine the rules for yourself.
Second, San Diego this fall will be instituting something which a lot of other CIF Sections might want to think about: A preseason "showcase" event, called the "First Annual Tip-Off Basketball Classic." Rather than restate what it is, here's the press release:
The CIF-San Diego Section is pleased to announce the participating teams for the First Annual Tip-Off Basketball Classic, scheduled for Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at the Jenny Craig Pavilion. The purpose of this game is to establish a CIF-San Diego Section Transportation Fund that would partially repay member schools for both local and state playoff travel costs. The tournament begins at 4:00 p.m. with Division III defending women's champion Santana playing last year's Division II semifinalist Eastlake. At 5:35 p.m. perennial Division IV men's finalist Lincoln Academy takes on defending Division I champion Carlsbad. Defending State Women's Division V Champion La Jolla Country Day battles Division I powerhouse San Diego at 7:10 p.m. In the final game of the night, defending State Men's Division IV Champion Horizon goes against last year's Division I finalist El Camino at 8:45 p.m. Tickets go on sale October 15. It should be a great way to begin the 2002-03 Basketball Season! For mor information ont he Tip-Off Classic, contact the CIFSDS Office at (858) 292-8165 or visit the web site
Third, San Diego this summer adopted a modification of the policy which has been followed by the Southern Section for years, i.e., a "dead period." San Diego's version is much stricter, as it doesn't allow any contact at all between coaches and players in any sport during the dead period. The "No Contact Period" is somewhat controversial from the standpoint of summer basketball, but at least according to the CIF San Diego Seciton's description of what took place this summer, it was welcomed by students, coaches and parents......It remains to be seen though how this policy will really work in the long run. Here's how the "Greenbook" describes it:
It is the intent of the CIF-San Diego Section to provide athletic competition in all sports that is safe and equitable. In concert with the implementation of the tenets in the statewide "Pursuing Victory With Honor" program, it is expected that San Diego Section schools and coaches will monitor their participation in this policy with integrity.
The goal of this policy is to provide a competitive environment that will encourage coaches, athletes, and families to remain in our school programs without being overburdened with excessive time commitments. To that end, schools in the
CIFSDS establish the following policies:
There shall be fourteen (14) consecutive days of no contact of any kind with all athletes of every sport each calendar year during the summer preceding the next school year. The no-contact period shall be determined and declared to
the CIFSDS by each member school by June 1 each year, unless otherwise declared by the CIFSDS. The no-contact period shall be after the last official day of the school year and before the first permissible day of fall practice.
1. Weight training classes, which are part of a regular summer session school day, are an only exception. Athletes shall not be required to attend.
2. There shall be no "student" organized or led team practices.
3. Penalty to school for failure to comply: For each day of contact during the no-contact period, the official start of practice for that team will be postponed one day. The head coach of the offending team will be prohibited from participating in the first official contest for that team. This prohibition shall include sight and sound. A second school violation by any team within five (5) years of the first violation shall include the same penalty for a first violation, and that team shall be suspended from playoff participation for one (1) year. Subsequent violations shall be referred to the Board of Managers for penalty.
4. There shall be no permissible contact during the school-wide declared no-contact period. Issuing equipment, scheduling physicals, and organizational meetings are not permitted. Schools are advised to plan accordingly when declaring this period.
(Approved April 23, 2002 Board of Managers)
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