Tournaments & Special Events
Upcoming Tournaments--California and Other States
If you've got a tourament that's not listed below, let us know, either by e-mail or by posting it up to our SoCalHoops Message Board. For past tournaments, check out the Tournament Articles Archives, the 1998 Tournament Listing Archives or the 1997 Tournament Listing Archives. These archives should be useful for future planning, since many of these events are annual; if you don't see yours listed for the current year, check the archives.
Aug 98 | Sept 98 | Oct 98 | Nov 98 | Dec 98 | Jan 99 | Feb 99 |
March 99 | Apr 99 | May 99 | Jun 99 | Jul 99 | Aug 99 | Sept 99 |
Oct 99 | Nov 99 | Dec 99 | Jan 00 | Feb 00 | Mar 00 | Apr 00 |
SoCal Events:
Los Angeles, CA: ARC Instructional Academy Spring Session
Continuing through June 6 Saturday--North Hollywood
H.S. 9 A.M.; Olive Recreation Center (Burbank) 11 A.M.; Pierce College 1 P.M. Learn the
fundamentals from current and former high school coaches. Develop the skills to become a
top high school player. Traveling teams will be formed. Any team can enter league
competition. ARC division tournament for all teams after completion of league play, plus
eventual regional and national tournaments. Former ARC players include NBA Stars: Jason
Kidd, Shawn Kemp, Byron Scott, Don MacLean, Trevor Wilson, Tracy Murray, Mitchell Butler,
Chris Mills, Sean Higgins, Steve Kerr, Sean Rooks, Tom Hammonds, Dwayne Schintzius, Ronnie
Grandison, Darrick Martin, and James Cotton. Games and league play at North Hollywood
High, Pierce College in Woodland Hills, various schools in Burbank, Olive Rec Center, and
now in Orange County. For more
information, e-mail hoopstars@archoops.com, or call (818) 995-3761. Snail mail to ARC,
15155 Weddington Street, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411. Or visit the ARC website at http://www.archoops.com for more current information.
Los Angeles/Inland Empire, CA: 20th Annual Slam-N-Jam Spring League
When: March, 15 continuing through May 10, 1999 Games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. For Boys 4th grade, 5th grade,
6th grade, 7th grade, Future Stars (primarily for 1999/2000 high school freshmen and
Sophomores) and Varsity (for players with 1999/2000 high school eligibility. Separate
Slam-N-Jam leagues will be held in Los Angeles and the Inland Empire areas. This has been
called by some the "Rolls Royce" of boys basketball Spring Legues."
Nationally recognized as one of the most prestigious boys basketball leagues in the
country. A key recruiting event for major college coaches. For more information contact
Issy Washington (310) 532-0622.
Torrance, CA: 4 "D" Stars Spring Developmental League
When: March 15 through May 24, 1999. High School, JV & Varsity, Boys 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Girls 5th & 6th,
7th & 8th grades, and varsity. Held at various South Bay High Schools. For further
information contact Renaldo Henry-Ala at P.O. Box 5023, Torrance, CA 90510. Phone (310)
326-3060, fax (310) 326-3062. Or check the 4 "D" Website at http://www.4dbasketball.com.
Los Angeles, CA: Slam-n-Jam
Super Hoops Spectacular
When: Early April 1999 (Thurs-Sun)
Played in the Carson, Compton, Long Beach and San Fernando Valley areas. For Boys:
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grades and Jr. Boys (high school players with
remaining eligibility). For Girls: 5th/th, 7th/8th, high school varsity and High
School All-Star traveling teams (Must have 1998-99 eligibility). Contact: Rich Goldberg
(818) 995-3761 or Issy Washington at (310) 532-0622.
Torrance, CA: 4 "D" Stars Spring Break Classic &
Girls AAU Soputh Bay District Tournament
When: April 3-5, 1999. High
School, JV & Varsity, Boys 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Girls 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th
grades, high School JV and Varsity, 10, 11, 12, 13 & Under. Held at various South Bay
High Schools. For further information contact Renaldo Henry-Ala at P.O. Box 5023,
Torrance, CA 90510. Phone (310) 326-3060, fax (310) 326-3062. Or check the 4 "D"
Website at http://www.4dbasketball.com.
San Diego, CA: San Diego Easter Jam Session
When: April 7-11 (Wed-Sat), 1999
National age division tournament (10-18), including separate divisions for boys high
school varsity and high school all-sart traveling divisions. Tournament will be a sellout.
Call High 5 America, Ollie Goulston at (800) 676-4872 for further information.
When: In Mid April, 1999 Boys divisions
for 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade and
Junior Boys (for high school players with remaining HS eligibility) and 19U. Played in the
Southern California Area. Winners of each grade division will advance to the National AAU
Boys Champinoships at various sites in the USA. For more information contact Issy
Washington (310) 532-0622 or Charles Matthews (909) 247-5880.
Carson, CA: Double Pump Spring Tournament
When: April 9, 10, & 11 1999 at Cal State
Dominguez Hills. Most of the top traveling teams from around the west (Houston, Utah,
Arizona, Washington, California, Nevada). For further information contact Phil or Jan
Bryant at Double Pump, Inc. You can reach Phil or Jan at 530-256-2862 or check out the
Double Pump website at http://www.doublepump.com.
Carson, CA: Double Pump Classic Boys' & Girls CA State
Invitational All-Star Game
When: April, 1999 at Cal State Dominguez Hills.
For further information contact Phil or Jan Bryant at Double Pump, Inc. You can reach Phil
or Jan at 530-256-2862 or check out the Double Pump website at http://www.doublepump.com.
Lake Elsinore, CA: 1st Annual Elinsore Jaguars May Day Tournament
When: April 30-May 1, 1999
7th Grade Boys & Under Tournament, games played at Elsinore High School,
located in Lake Elsinore. $200 with four game guarantee. Fee, $200.00 For more information, contact Mike Horton at (909) 674-4957,
Grayland Schuler at (909) 678-7759, or e-mail wallie@pe.net
NorCal Events:
Woodside/Menlo Park, CA (Norcal) :
ARC/ NorCal ARC Bay Area Basketbrawl
April 16-18, 1999. Open to traveling
teams in Boys' & Girls'. Played at outstanding sites: Menlo College and Woodside High.
Last year's tournament saw more than 50 teams participate. Divisions: Girls: 8th grade;
7th grade; 6th grade. Cost: All Divisions: $295 - Guaranteed 3 games. Make all
cashier’s checks or money orders payable to ARC. Send entry fees and rosters to Rich
Goldberg 15155 Weddington Street, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411. Deadline: Entry Fees and Rosters
Must Be In By April 4, 1999 - No Exceptions! Admission will be charged at the door, with
tournament passes available. All teams need to have birth certificates and report cards
available upon request. If challenged, a player without proof of age and/or grade will be
declared ineligible. For more info, e-mail: hoopstars@archoops.com or call (818) 995-3761
or (818) 891-3988. Note the new fax number: (818) 906-8990. Or visit the ARC website at http://www.archoops.com for further information.
Other States:
Las Vegas, Nevada :19th Annual Nike Las Vegas Easter Classic
When: April 1-5, 1999. This is a very
competitive tournament with entries done on a first come, first served basis. There are
over 300 college coaches in attendance at any one time. DIVISIONS: Boys: 12U, 13U, 14U,
15U, 16U, 17U (must have HS eligibility left) Girls: 12U, 14U, 17U. Birthday as of January
1 determines a players age. 17U Must have high school eligibility remaining. This
year more than 156 teams participating. For brochure and further details contact Mae
Fisher (702) 873-8894.
Phoenix, AZ : BCI Boys Senior/Junior Prep Tournament
When: Spring Break 1999. Where: Phoenix
Arizona. Boys, Grades 11-12. For Info Call (602) 252-6001
South Jamaica, NY: adidas IS8 Spring High School Classic
When: April through June . Where: at IS8 Middle
School, in South Jamaica, NY.
Fort Collins, CO: Dish the Rock Invitational Tournament.
When: Mid April. Where: Fort Collins, Colorado.
Tournament for Boys, grades 6-9. For further information contact Salies Perry (303)
Louisville, KY: Derby Classic All-Star Game
When: Late April Where: Freedom Hall,
Louisville, KY. Top basketball senior prep stars from around the country will compete. For
last year's full rosters here is a link.
1997-1999All rights reserved
Questions? Comments? Need Information?
Contact: jegesq@SoCalHoops.com